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Thank you for taking the time to investigate our website.   Early stimulation of the brain has a huge influence on how children will learn and interact with others throughout their lives.


The young brain will develop most effectively with an abundance of loving interactions with caring adults who understand early childhood development. The staff at All Superstars Preschool are very carefully selected and trained to ensure that each child’s experience will be the best that it can be.


We are well known for having extremely low turnover of staff which gives children the consistency and security that they need to flourish. While all our staff are totally proficient in English, several of them are bi-lingual which is a great asset in early education.


The owner of All Superstars Preschool Downtown, Wendy Katz, started her career with All Superstars when she was 18 years old as a classroom teacher. Her exceptional classroom skills combined with her leadership qualities quickly accelerated her career in early childhood education. She moved from lead teacher to VPK teacher to director and finally owner as of 2023! Wendy holds an Associates Degree in Medical Technology as well as her Director's Credentials and CDA.


Wendy purchased All Superstars Preschool from founder, Kate Sroka in 2023. Kate wanted to keep the business "in the family" and is thrilled to have had the opportunity to pass the torch to one of her earliest employees. Kate currently serves in an advisory roll, and is still engaged in the vision and philosophy of All Superstars Preschool.


The All Superstars centers are based on the highest standards of the best of American preschool design. All of our light, bright classrooms have attractive equipment easily accessible to children.


The classrooms are all a perfect size for the age groups of the children. There are enough children in each group to enable healthy social interactions but not so many as to cause confusion. The large playgrounds are creatively designed with lots of space for children to run, play, swing, ride bikes and play ball. All three centers  have hydroponic gardens.



Wendy Katz - Owner


Michelle Hernandez - Director

In England, the best nursery schools have a very high degree of parental involvement. Recognizing that parents are a child’s first teacher, we know that we can only guide a child towards reaching his or her maximum potential by developing strong links between home and school. You will love all our parent involvement activities and the terrific connections we have with our families!


In Germany, early learning is very generously funded and researched. Considerable effort is made to ensure that preschoolers have a daily abundance of “hands on” learning activities.


Froebel, the founder of the German Kindergarten, showed that the long-term memory and the ability to reason are best developed if as many senses as possible are incorporated into the early learning process. In other words, abstract learning, such as the use of dittos and worksheets is only going to be helpful on a long-term basis if the child has a wealth of concrete learning experiences to make sense of their world first.


You can be sure that early childhood experts are all in agreement that children will thrive best in an environment full of love, courtesy and respect. This is the environment we promote every day at our All Superstars Preschool Centers.

©All Superstars Preschool 2024 | High quality and affordable Preschool,

Child Care, Full and Part time VPK, Daycare and  Afterschool Care at

All Superstars Preschool Downtown Cape Coral, Midtown Cape Coral and North Fort Myers

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